guide – Merch by Amazon – SpyAMZ Merch by Amazon Research tool - SpyAMZ Wed, 18 Jul 2018 07:49:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 guide – Merch by Amazon – SpyAMZ 32 32 How to understand better Amazon Best Sellers Rank Wed, 27 Jun 2018 09:42:01 +0000 The Best Sellers Ranking, or BSR, of a product is a number that compares the sales of that product with...

The post How to understand better Amazon Best Sellers Rank appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

The Best Sellers Ranking, or BSR, of a product is a number that compares the sales of that product with the sales of other products in the same category, during a given amount of time.

This is the definition that I would most likely provide if I were asked to explain in a sentence what the Best Sellers Rank is. You will agree with me on saying that it is not a hard concept to get.

Basically there is a product that, based on its characteristics, fits into a category and based on its sales, it is compared to the other products of the same category. Then it gets a ranking score, that changes over time.

So why do so many people have problem in dealing with this Amazon parameter? The reason is that it is one of the aspects that Amazon sellers most frequently misunderstand either because they don’t know much about it in the first place or because they know what it is but they don’t know how to use it properly.

This article is being written with the goal of shedding light on such a controversial topic, in order to help you to get more people to your page and therefore to get more sales and eventually more money!

The first thing to remember is that the BSR is updated every few hours, so you continually have to play the “game” in order to always be on top of the list.

Amazon is a fast changing market that depends on many factors; one day you could be on top of the listing and the day after you find out that you have slid back of thousands of positions… this is what happens when the ranking is updated continuously. When you make a lot of sales, for example, you overshadow many other products but the same could be said about your competitors’ products. In case you don’t make enough sales you will need to find alternative ways to drive traffic to your listing and put you ahead of the competition again.

This leads us to the second point, which is: how to drive traffic to your page? There are two ways to do it, you can:

  • Rely on the organic traffic and try to implement an effective keywords strategy in order for your products to show naturally on top of every list of its niches. This may require a lot of patience and time and therefore it’s very risky. Plus you’ll most likely end up not having the amount of traffic that you had hoped for because you can only hope that people somehow will find your products and buy them. It’s a little bit of a “out of people’s reach” thing, isn’t it?
  • Pay per click (PPC) on the other hand is quite effective but you have to pay in order to gain more traffic. By increasing your ranking temporarily, it gives you the chance to appear on the first pages displayed by Amazon. You will, therefore, be noticed and you will get more sales and more reviews. Once you have enough reviews to be considered reliable, you can stop the PPC campaign and rely on organic traffic from then on. So, even tough you have to pay for it and it adds costs to your selling, it also allows you to raise your BSR. And as I said before: you only want to run it until you have enough reviews.

Here is how it roughly works:

In this scenario, are reviews important for your sales ranking? They indirectly are. They don’t affect your ranking position but they are certainly the thing that the average customer relies the most on and they play a big role when it comes to customer decisions. Positive reviews lead to more sales, which lead to better ranking positions.

Which product would you trust better?!?

Be careful! You should know that the ranking is affected from the category that the product is in and it can change from a country to the other, meaning that a t – shirt that ranks a certain position in a country may not necessarily rank the same in other countries.

Also, a ranking that is considered great for a category may not be as good for another category because it is taken into consideration the total number of items in each category.

Have you noticed that most of the products have more than one ranking? this is done on purpose in order to reach as many niches as possible, even the smallest ones.

Take a look at this:

As you can see, the product has a different ranking based on the sub category that it is in. Every detail, when it comes to ranking, is important and to be able to interpret them is crucial for your business. All together they can have a huge impact on your success vs failure.

Since your product doesn’t stand on Amazon by itself but it is linked to other products in the same category, sometimes an increase in sales, which may seem beneficial for your ranking, might not mean an increase in BSR.

Here is an example: Let’s say that it’s Halloween and your niche sells t – shirts with black cats on them. Let’s say that the days before Halloween you see a dramatic increase in your sells. Keep in mind that your competitors are probably experiencing a boost in their sells as well! In this case unfortunately your ranking will not change much. An increase in sales alone many times is not enough to increase your sales rank. To increase your BSR your product must sell MORE THAN your competitors. This means that if your sales increase because of a seasonal trend, and therefore every t – shirt in your category faces an increase in sales, you might not see the ranking improvement that you hoped for.

It may also occur that your niche sells well only during certain times of the days. For example: “Good Morning t – shirts”…when are you most likely to think of those ones? Of course when you are having breakfast! You are in the kitchen, sipping your cup of coffee and suddenly you realise that you really need a freaking shirt with a coffee on it and a nice “morning quote” writing kind of thing. So you go ahead and buy it. There is no time during the day to think about it and you would not certainly think of it in the evening when you are out partying with friends or just regularly crushing in bed after a looong day, would you? The volume of sales of these products can be tricky because they can give you the impression that the niche is very popular on Amazon while maybe it is not the best niche to investi in.

My advice is to always try to monitor the niches and do some searches before jumping into them. There are many tools that can help you in doing this. Spy Amazon is one of the most promising MBA Design Database at the moment. It is updated every few hours and it is very simple to use. On the first page you will immediately be able to picture the best trends of the season and the designs that have the BSR. In addition, if you are looking for any specific niche, you can also do your search by using some keywords of your interest and so on. It is definitely worth a visit, and you can test in for free for 3 days!

And of course, when you find a profitable niche, put your best effort into your business to make the best out of it!

Keep in mind that timing is very important and the sells of today weight more than the sells of the day before or of a year ago. This is because Amazon knows that customers always want to be updated on what’s new and cool out there. So by using this logarithm, Amazon allows new items that maybe don’t have a long selling history, or don’t have it at all and therefore don’t display in the BSR, to rank well if they sell more today.

Also, it takes less sales to maintain BSR than to initially achieve it. Infact Amazon tends to favour the stability of sales instead of a dramatic surge over a short period of time. Needless to say that you should not try to buy your own products on Amazon in order to climb the sales ranking. Sudden increases quickly fade away and Amazon will still favour your competitors listings over yours.

To wrap it up:

The Amazon BSR can be defined as a “snapshot” because it is a picture of the situation at the moment that you check. It may be changed after a couple of hours because it depends on many different aspects, among which there are the number of recent sales, the number of units of items per purchase (it is not the same to have an order of one item versus to have an order of 10 items), the happening of particular festivities and the moment of the day.


The post How to understand better Amazon Best Sellers Rank appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

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How to start a T – shirt business on Amazon Wed, 06 Jun 2018 10:32:53 +0000 Living in an era where all the activities are quickly shifting from the real world into the online one, to...

The post How to start a T – shirt business on Amazon appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

Living in an era where all the activities are quickly shifting from the real world into the online one, to learn how to effectively start a new business on one of the countless web platform out there is pretty relevant.

If you are a navigated entrepreneur with his/her own brand and real shops you probably already know what I am about to state, but if you are just someone who wants to give it a shot, it is important for you to remember that every business, if handled correctly, can be successful. In this article we will discuss about the best ways to start a t – shirt business on Amazon.

Why choose Amazon?

Well, that’s an easy question. Amazon is an online marketplace that, over the time, has increased drastically its presence and its reliability. It gathers in only one place a wide variety of products, drawing to its platform millions of visitors a month. Needless to say that the first big benefit that a seller gains from Amazon is the visibility. In fact, it is most likely that many niches don’t know your brand at all and truth is, they would never discover it if it weren’t displayed on Amazon. Well once they know you and they are satisfied with your product, chances are that they will be willing to try other products of your brand, giving you the chance to potentially increase your market. I said “potentially” because even though the buyers are right there at hand, given the high number of sellers as well, in order to emerge from the crowd you will need to play out some best practice and climb the Amazon rankings.

There are 3 Amazon programs that you can join to start a t – shirt business. They all offer different plans that you can join based on your personal needs. Make sure to understand well the marketplace’s fee structure so that you will be aware of the margins that you can expect from each sale and therefore pick the most suitable program for you.

The first program that I am going to talk about is Shopify.

Shopify is a Canadian e – commerce company which was founded in 2004 with the aim of selling snowboarding equipment. In about 10 years, due to its major growth, it’s become one of the most widely spread e – commerce platform in the world. It is very user friendly, meaning that both a developer and a regular person like us can use it successfully; it has many cool features in it that you can use to personalise your account and it is “ready to go”, in fact you will be able to start selling on the platform within a short period of time after joining it and you can rely on their 24/7 assistance service.

Given the fast pace growth of the platform, Amazon has recently decided to take the chance and integrate the two platforms. This way all of the products sold on Shopify will be directly linked to Amazon as well… double selling double winning, right?

The integration is easy, just build your own Shopify store, where you sell all of your products, and then attach the Amazon plug in into it:

1 – Click the + button next to Sales Channel


2 – Click Learn more in the Amazon by Shopify section

3 – Click Add channel to confirm

4 – When on the last page, click Connect to Amazon

This way each item that is displayed on Shopify will pop up immediately on Amazon as well. It can be bought on both of the platform indifferently for the POD system works exactly the same way.

So how can you achieve that? Here are the things that you should make sure of:

  • Make sure your store meets the specific requirements (you need to have an active Shopify account, your products must fit in a specific, existing category, the prices are to be listed in USD or CAD, you must not be shipping your products using Fulfillment by Amazon)
  • Create your Amazon Professional Seller Account
  • Apply for category approval
  • Synchronize your Shopify store to the Amazon Sales Channel
  • Purchase a product identifier such a UPCs
  • Create Amazon Listings for your items
  • Set your inventory tracking policy (use your store’s inventory settings or manually manage your Amazon inventory)
  • Start Selling!

Shopify doesn’t come for free though. There is a monthly fee plus a percentage on each selling. The cost can vary depending on the program that each decides to enroll for.

Currently there are 3 types of monthly subscriptions:

  • 29 $/month for the basic service. It is the ideal plan for people who are just starting to sell on e – platform and still have to figure out fully how they work
  • 79$/ month is the intermediate service. The most suitable one for those who have good margins
  • 299$/ month is the advanced service. It is recommended for big companies which may need statistics tools to run properly their business

Here are some more detailed information about pricing and features:

Also, as I have mentioned before, for every t shirt that you sell, 15 % of the total becomes fee to Amazon.

The second method to sell t – shirts on Amazon is to use Amazon directly. I will not spend too many words on this since all you have to do is to sign in with your personal Merch account and you start to sell.

In this case there are 2 account options available:

  • Individual Plan which comes for free but you will be charged 0.99$ per item sold
  • Professional Plan for 39.99/month

When choosing a Selling Plan remember to consider the products that you want to list. Both Individual and Professional Sellers can list products in many different categories but there are some that are available only to Professional Sellers, upon request of permission and only if they meet the requirements.

Also, if you intend to sell… let’s say less than 40 t – shirts a month, then you will be totally fine with the individual account. On the other hand, if you intend to go for more than 40 t- shirts then it’s a good idea to sign up directly to the professional account.

As you can see, the second way of selling on Amazon is cheaper than the first one but being on one platform only means that the potential customers are not as many as with the integration plus Amazon direct selling doesn’t make use of the POD system like Shopify or Merch by Amazon. This means that, on the contrary to Shopify, which relies on a third part to take care of the making of the t – shirt and then ships it to the customer, in this case you need to have the t – shirts ready, printed and prepared to fulfill the order on Amazon.

The third option available, that we have largely discussed about on the previous articles of the blog is, again, Merch by Amazon! How could we not talk about this tool, always improving and getting better, always popping up with new features and always creating integrations to improve the customers’ experience?! When Merch by Amazon was first launched, it was a totally new concept so as to be thought to be for developers only. Once even regular people became more acquaintance with this new tool and started enrolling in the program, they realised that it was a great chance to make money with the minimum effort. As things are now, Merch by Amazon has had that much success that new subscribers can only join it by invitation. However, due to the number of interesting partnerships (the last one being with Teespring) there is always the chance to enter the program in some way.

Remember that this is the most advanced Amazon tool to sell shirts designs because it only focuses on them. You upload your design on the platform and Amazon produces it and mails it to the customer for you, collecting a royalty of 12.87% per t – shirt to do it all and you earn on the profit margin that you add to your shirt price. You also get rewarded every time you sell much stuff, jumping to the next seller category. When you become a more recognised seller on the program, Amazon starts to let you do hoodies, sweatshirts, etc. in addition to regular t – shirts.

Let’s recap the best ways to improve your selling on Merch by Amazon with a quick, simple video:

If you optimise well those elements, you should be able to sell items without having to pay for any advertisement. It is not easy to do it by yourself. It may also require a lot of time, effort and patience. That’s why tools like SpyAmz were invented: to leave you only the good things of the business while we take care of the boring ones. SpyAmz is infact the largest MBA Design Database and despite using simple tools like keywords research & analysis, daily rank tracking, list tracking, trending alert, it is very effective when it coms to find the right niche for your products!

In conclusion: This t – shirt online business is getting more and more popular everyday. There are many ways to sell online and make good profits and Shopify, Amazon, Teespring are just few of the many, so it is only up to you to find the better way to do it, based on your profit goal, on the time that you are willing to spend for it, on your experience… in this blog I have only focused on the online tools connected to the Amazon world because this is what SpyAmz is about: find the best niches where to invest in order to make profits on Amazon and also because I have reasons to believe that it is the best market where to sell your t – shirts but hey, maybe this article will tickle your curiosity to find out more e – commerce platform and you will be the one teaching us something!


The post How to start a T – shirt business on Amazon appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

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Hướng dẫn cách SEO cho Merch by Amazon Mon, 04 Jun 2018 05:08:19 +0000 Merch by Amazon có thể vô cùng vi diệu. Bạn có thể kiếm được hàng khối tiền từ nó, có...

The post Hướng dẫn cách SEO cho Merch by Amazon appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

Merch by Amazon có thể vô cùng vi diệu. Bạn có thể kiếm được hàng khối tiền từ nó, có thể tự tin nổi bật giữa hàng ngàn merch seller khác, hoặc cũng có thể chìm nghỉm không thấy mặt trời luôn. Bạn đã từng bao giờ tự hỏi tại sao mình lại không bán áo chạy như các ông khác cùng làm merch? Vô luận bạn đầu tư bao nhiêu công sức vào nó, bạn vẫn chẳng thể tìm ra chân ái với sale áo. Vâng, một trong những lý do của thảm kịch này là bạn không biết cách SEO những món hàng của bạn. Một tổ hợp các từ khóa ngon lành có thể đủ để biến bạn từ kiến hôi thành chân thần. Nghe có vẻ dễ dàng? Chúng ta hãy cùng tìm hiểu cách SEO cho Merch by Amazon nào.

Vấn đề thứ nhất: SEO là gì?

SEO viết tắt cho Search Engine Optimization và nó bao hàm tất cả các hoạt động thu hút các lượt traffic thông qua tìm kiếm dẫn đến site của bạn.

Nhắc tới Merch by Amazon, điều đã đem tới lượng traffic đột phá cho site bạn, chính là nội dung bài viết dễ bắt được lượt tìm kiếm. Quan trọng hơn, chúng còn dẫn về chiếc áo Merch của bạn. Áo càng dễ tìm, càng nhiều người có thể nhìn thấy nó, và càng tăng tỉ lệ mọi người mua nó. Nếu mọi người thích và mua nó nhiều, nó càng dễ dàng nhảy lên ngồi trang nhất trong kết quả search của Amazon. Mục tiêu của Amazon chính là bán hàng, cho nên hệ thống sẽ có xu hướng quảng cáo những hàng hot mà khách hàng đang mua nhiều. Như một vòng tròn, hàng hot sẽ càng được ưu tiên và càng dễ bán. Quan trọng là bạn phải đẩy áo của bạn vào được vòng tròn đó, đó chính là Merch by Amazon SEO.

Câu hỏi to nhất đặt ra: những yếu tố gì ảnh hưởng đến SEO cho Merch by Amazon nhất?

  • Tên áo
  • Nhãn hiệu
  • Miêu tả
  • Click Though Rate (CTR)
  • Tỉ lệ convert (CR)
  • Rank bán chạy nhất (Best Seller Rank – BSR)
  • Đánh giá/ Giá bán

Tất cả những yếu tố kể trên kia đều phụ thuộc vào Từ khóa và Nghiên cứu từ khóa. Dựa trên những ý tưởng mà bạn muốn chơi áo, những từ khóa có thể thay đổi theo đí. Vì vậy, bạn cần làm rõ những câu hỏi sau:

  • Có những áo nào đã lên cùng ý tưởng và lên được bao lâu?
  • Chúng chú trọng nhắm tới cái gì?
  • Từ lóng mà chúng dùng?
  • Đối thủ của chúng là ai?

Khi bạn biết những điều ở trên, mọi chuyện sẽ dễ dàng hơn nhiều để tiếp cận với những gì khách hàng tìm kiếm. Bằng cách kết nối y hệt những gì họ điền vào ô tìm kiếm, đưa vào trong sản phẩm của bạn.

Cách SEO cho Merch by Amazon hiệu quả?

Tối ưu hóa tên áo

Tên tiêu đề của áo là yếu tố quan trong nhất trong nhất với Amazon Product Listing. Nó sẽ gây ra ảnh hưởng lớn nhất với hiệu quả SEO cũng như hiệu quả bán áo. Như một con dao hai lưỡi, nó có thể đưa áo của bạn lên đỉnh search, nhưng cũng có thể dìm xuống đáy nồi nếu không được tối ưu hóa đúng cách.

Tiêu đề không nên dài quá 115 – 144 ký tự và các thông tin chính nên xoay quanh các từ khóa chính. Nó có thể bao gồm hãng sản xuất, chất liệu, tính năng chính, các thông tin về đóng gói và các từ khóa mục tiêu khác ngắm đến các BSR của Amazon.

Ngoài ra, các từ khóa cũng không nên quá phổ thông, tránh phải đối đầu với hàng trăm vạn đối thủ khác cùng sử dụng từ khóa đó. Không cần làm việc chăm chỉ, hãy làm việc thông minh. Hãy tự hỏi mình để tìm được cái áo này, bạn dưới địa vị khách hàng thì sẽ tìm kiếm theo từ khóa nào? Khi đã xác định được chúng, hãy ép tất cả những từ khóa đó vào áo của bạn và áo bạn sẽ trở nên dễ bán hơn bao giờ hết.

Ví dụ, bạn vừa mới design xong một chiếc áo về mèo và bạn sẵn sàng muốn bán nó. Tiêu đề bạn sẽ sử dụng là gì?

Merch by Amazon SEO

Bạn có thể thấy vô vàn các kết quả được tìm ra. Và đáng buồn là chiếc áo bạn dày công thiết kế sẽ chìm nghỉm trong lượng kết quả này. Sự thật phũ phàng là bạn sẽ khó lòng có được sale với tiêu đề thế này.

Vậy thì thêm một chút như này?

Merch by Amazon SEO

Khá hơn nhưng vẫn còn mông lung. Hãy cố gắng cụ thể hóa hơn xem sao?

Merch by Amazon SEO

Có vẻ gần gần okay rồi…

Merch by Amazon SEO

Và đây, chỉ có 64 kết quả được tìm ra. Chiến đấu với 64 đối thủ có vẻ dễ nhằn hơn nhiều so với con số gần 15 vạn ở kết quả đầu. Tuy nhiên, có một lý do đau buồn khác, vì keyword mà bạn dùng để tìm không hay, chẳng ai tìm cả, áo làm về chúng cũng ít, thành ra chả mấy ai tìm đến. Cho nên, làm vua xứ mù cũng không làm bạn giàu lên được. Bạn có thống trị ở cái vương quốc 65 cái áo này đi chăng nữa mà không ai đến thăm thì cũng mục rã mà thôi. Vì vậy, khi cụ thể hóa mục tiêu, hãy tìm những từ khóa mọi người dễ tìm đến, cho dù đôi khi nó không liên quan đến chủ đề của bạn, ví dụ vài từ khóa hot hiện nay như Unicorn, birthday gift, gift, present, vân vân…

Làm thương hiệu cho áo Merch của bạn

Với mỗi áo, Thương hiệu (Brand) có thể khác nhau trên mỗi áo, tùy thuộc vào sản phẩm và gu thiết kế của áo đó. Đối với mỗi sản phẩm, mỗi phân loại nhóm áo, bạn nên có một tên Brand phù hợp cho chúng. Bởi vì tên Brand là thứ to nhì (sau hình áo) xuất hiện trên trang search của khách hàng, bạn nên sắp xếp bố cục và từ khóa thật ổn để thu hút khách hàng nhất. Tỉ lệ click vào sản phẩm của bạn sẽ được nâng cao hơn. Như vậy, SEO cho Merch by Amazon không hề khó, chừng nào bạn biết bạn đang làm gì.

Tối ưu hóa miêu tả áo

Bạn có 2 chấm đầu dòng trong phần miêu tả áo để điền, vậy nên hãy tận dụng chúng một cách tốt nhất. Đây, chính là nơi quyết định số phận buôn bán của chiếc áo. Thật sự, bạn đã có một tiêu đề tối ưu cho áo rồi đúng không? Vậy bạn hẳn phải biết những từ khóa quan trọng nhất, và có thể, những từ khóa kiếm tiền nhất. Bạn có thể tìm các từ đồng nghĩa với chúng và phát triển chúng thành cấu trúc câu. Đừng cố thử thuyết phục khách hàng mua, hãy miêu tả tốt nhất về chiếc áo của bạn. Hãy đưa ra những thông tin hữu ích nhưng không xuất hiện ở trên hình áo. Khách hàng sẽ biết rõ hơn về áo và sẽ có xu hướng dễ đặt mua chiếc áo này hơn.

Nên nhớ, thà dùng nhiều từ khóa tầm trung, cạnh trang vừa phải, hơn là dùng một vài từ khóa nóng bỏng tay cạnh tranh gay gắt. Nhưng, cũng cần cân nhắc sử dụng những từ khóa còn mang tính phổ thông, không nên sử dụng những từ khóa khỉ ho cò gáy không ai muốn tìm.

Có một số công cụ giúp bạn tìm ra những từ khóa như thế

Công cụ nghiên cứu Merch

Một trong số đó là SpyAMZ , đây là kho dữ liệu áo Merch by Amazon lớn nhất quả đất với gần 9 triệu áo. Công cụ cực phẩm, sử dụng dễ dàng, giao diện đáng yêu cùng các chức năng đỉnh cao như: nghiên cứu từ khóa, theo dõi rank hàng ngày, áo đang xu hướng, áo bán chạy, áo bán đột biến, và hơn nữa…

Spyamz Merch by Amazon SEO

Nhắc tới SEO cho Merch by Amazon, nó không thực sự liên quan tới lĩnh vực từ khóa nhưng lại bị điều phối rất mạnh từ chúng. Chúng ta hãy cùng đề cập tới 2 tiêu chí CTR và CR.

Giả định rằng bạn đang đọc bài viết này và bạn vẫn chưa biết gì về chúng, vậy mình sẽ giải thích về chúng như sau:

CTR viết tắt cho Click Through Rate và khi nhắc tới Merch by Amazon, nó là tỉ lệ số người click vào áo bạn trên tổng số người nhìn thấy áo của bạn trên trang kết quả tìm kiếm. Amazon rất chú trọng vào yếu tố này bởi vì nếu có người click vào sản phẩm của bạn, chứng tỏ chúng rất hấp dẫn và có tiềm năng bán chạy. Bạn cầm tìm ra những từ khóa có CTR cao để lập tức áp dụng vào sản phẩm của mình.

Tỉ lệ convert (Conversion Rate – CR) là một mặt khác không kém phần long trọng. Rõ ràng, nếu mọi người không hề hứng thú với sản phẩm của bạn, họ còn chẳng màng click vào chúng. Vì thế, bạn sẽ không convert được ai cả (Convert – chuyển đổi khách xem hàng thành khách mua hàng). Quay lại ở trên, bạn nhất thiết cần phải sử dụng các từ khóa cho sản phẩm thật tinh tế, cẩn trọng và có hệ thống. Từ đó, hãy đảm bảo bao phủ hết tất cả mọi câu hỏi khả năng có thể có từ phía khách hàng. Như vậy, bạn đã đi trước tất cả đối thủ của mình một bước rất dài rồi.

Cuối cùng, mối quan hệ giữa Đánh giá / Giá cả đã vô cùng rõ ràng. Nếu khách hàng nhận thấy giá của áo bạn phải chăng, phù hợp, họ sẽ thích và dễ cho bạn đánh giá tốt nhiều hơn. Và đương nhiên, đánh giá tốt luôn dẫn đến tỉ lệ sale cao hơn, nó là một vòng tròn tuần hoàn.

Kết luận về SEO cho Merch by Amazon

Thực tế, tất cả mọi thứ phụ thuộc và tổ hợp từ khóa và cách tối ưu hóa của bạn. Từ đó, chúng sẽ kéo đến những hiệu quả tuyệt vời đến cho sản phẩm của bạn, như nhiều view hơn, traffic cao hơn, sale mạnh, và hơn thế nữa. Tất cả chỉ nằm trên một đường ranh nhỏ bé mà thôi. Nếu bạn làm không tốt, bạn sẽ bị đánh dấu là keyword stuffing và ăn bad rate rất nghiêm trọng, thậm chí là ăn ban khỏi Merch by Amazon luôn,

Một vài điểm chính đã được mình list ra ở trên cũng nằm trong bài chi tiết Cách kiếm keyword ngon và sử dụng keyword với Merch by Amazon. Bạn hoàn toàn có thể ghé qua và tìm cho mình tổ hợp từ khóa siêu việt nhất! Some of the main points that I have covered here had already been quoted in the previous article on How to market your merch by amazon t-shirts effectively , so if you are interested, you are more than welcome to take a look! Ngoài ra, cũng có một bài viết tiếng Anh khá nổi tiếng và hữu ích dành cho người mới chơi Merch ở đây: The Ultimate Getting Started Guide for Merch By Amazon. Chúc các bạn may mắn.

The post Hướng dẫn cách SEO cho Merch by Amazon appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

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Teespring vs Merch by Amazon – the integration Tue, 29 May 2018 10:39:17 +0000 People must have known about the incredible growth of Merchandise industry either Print-on-Demand field, with the largest name of Merch...

The post Teespring vs Merch by Amazon – the integration appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

People must have known about the incredible growth of Merchandise industry either Print-on-Demand field, with the largest name of Merch by Amazon. Merch sellers have no risk of: Inventory, storage, printing procedure, shipping, and return. What they need is extraordinary designs and promotion campaigns that drive their item sold.  However, there are more that people should be aware of apart from it. In fact, Merch by Amazon is not alone the Print-on-Demand platform out there. We also have Teespring and RedBubble. It’s good to know that now you can sell Merch items with Teespring vs Merch by Amazon, how great!

But first, we need to get to know the Merch game first.

Merch in a nutshell: Profit

The Print-on-Demand is one of the most profitable games on the digital market at this moment. There’s no need to worry about warehouse, storage, printing manufacturer, shipments or guarantee. It’s the place where you upload your designs and let people buy it, the hosted platform will take care all of the logistics. With each item sale, you will receive royalties from them. It’s indeed very profitable and less risky than any other industries.

In fact, while talking to Merch or Print-on-Demand, everybody is talking about Merch by Amazon. No doubt, that’s the world’s largest marketplace with holy super many traffics. However, although Merch by Amazon did have many Merch product categories like T-shirt, Long-sleeved, Hoodie, Sweatshirt, they focus too much on the only one: T-shirt. With other platforms, you will have more freedom to conquer other product types than follow the crowd to fight under the T-shirt category in Amazon.

But why today we are talking about Teespring, not Redbubble?

Teespring vs Merch by Amazon – the reason

Because Teespring has Boosted Network. It integrated some of the most engaged marketplaces across the web to get user’s products show up in front of millions of shoppers around the world.

(Source: Teespring)

And yeah it included Amazon. When you submitted your items on Teespring, you will have the option to let Teespring list them on other marketplaces. Your apparel products will show up on like many other Merch items. The advantage of this is you didn’t have to worry about the limit of Merch by Amazon. You can also be able to sell many things else apart from T-shirts.

Business with Merch by Amazon is exceptionally profitable since Day 1. But as time passes by, the competitive rate is rising and rising that one day could suffocate your income perhaps? Why don’t expand your working area, giving yourself more options? Teespring can, they offer the same model of platform, the same opportunity for your designs, risk-free and easy. Above all, Teespring is also the place for Accessories along with Apparel. You can design phone cases, socks, mugs, home decor, and many more clothing types like hoodies, sweatshirts, tank tops, shirts, etc.

Moreover, they have invested a lot in manufacturing part. Their products always have the best quality and satisfy the buyers. A few years ago, selling on Teespring could meet some struggles because of the lower traffic flow of Teespring compared to the super high flow of Amazon. Well no more, after they launched Boosted Network, that issue was solved flawlessly. Because Teespring items now could be listed on Amazon, there are more and more people come to Teespring, and your items now can join in those traffic flow on Amazon either.

Teespring – what products you can design

Right now, Teespring product categories have: Apparel. Home Decor, Socks, Phone Cases, Stickers, Mugs, and more. In there, Apparel contains many types of clothes, including:

  • T-shirts
  • Pocket T-shirt
  • Hoodies
  • Sweatshirts
  • Long-sleeved
  • Tank-tops

All of these are available for you to design for. You can have one item but listed all on other popular marketplaces, making it easier to get sales. Listing has never been this easy with Boosted Network of Teespring, especially Teespring vs Merch by Amazon integration.

How to work with Teespring vs Merch by Amazon?

Be advised after a year of running, now Teespring has set up some requirements to meet before they can publish your items on Boosted Network. I’ve heard that you will need to submit a good design based on Teespring Boosted Network Guidelines and maintain high seller trusted score. In fact, everyone can list their shirts on Teespring freely. However, what drives them sold is what matter. You might want to do research and build appropriate marketing campaigns to get success with Teespring vs Merch by Amazon.

First of all, you must do a Merch by Amazon research. What products are currently on sales on Amazon, the competitive rate, what is the trend of the market right now, and forecast the future changes.

Next step, you will need awesome designs with amazing work to surprise shopper at the first glance. Make sure that your designs are good enough to impress others and be one of a kind.

Finally, a Teespring account is a must. Well, we are working with Teespring to integrate with Merch by Amazon, either making a Teespring account is super easy,

Research Merch by Amazon market

Why do you have to do this? Why can’t you just upload anything you like to the platform and stay satisfied with them? The truth is a completely different story. To get things sold, you must discover what is currently selling best.

If you upload something you like, but others didn’t search for it, it would never get a sale. You must direct your work to the hottest items and blend yours into the flow. That guarantees you a higher chance of people buying it. The rest, must rely on your luck, keyword optimization and how impressive your design is.

To know what is currently selling hotly on Amazon, you must see their Best Seller Ranks (BSR) which indicate the places of those items on Amazon list. The better rank, the hotter they sell. Click on any T-shirt items and scroll down, you will find BSR

In order to know how to do Merch by Amazon research, check out this article and it will guide you from A to Z about everything. You will know how to find trends, ideas for Merch design, optimize keyword and avoid Trademark violation. I will write a short paragraph for this, you can always check the full article for more detail.

Search for best seller rank

SpyAMZ shows all the best seller rank of Merch by Amazon items in the smartest way, indicating ranks, names, and first available time. You can always filter them with advanced searching of SpyAMZ.

Or you can search for Sudden increased items, up to you 🙂

Keyword research

SpyAMZ listed all the hottest keywords of Merch by Amazon items. So, you can add those keywords to your listings and make your item hotter and hotter.

Check Trademark

You can search for keywords or phrases within SpyAMZ. If anything has trademark bound with it, it will glow red to inform you about it.

Create your awesome design

If you are a designer, then great! You can create your own awesome Shirts at no additional cost.

If you ain’t a designer, you can hire yourself a team to work with you and they could possibly give so many ideas for the designing. You know, more heads = more ideas. However, more people = harder management. Designs of the team might not match each other, and you will need more resources for them to use and extract. In general, people usually manage contents and ideas for design in a Text file or spreadsheet.

Nonetheless, it proves super hard to manage that way (time to write idea, capture design image, no link between real item with stored ideas…). SpyAMZ just released a new feature to store, manage all of your ideas in just one place, with titles, descriptions and related designs. This works fabulously for the design team:

teespring vs merch by amazon ideaIf you don’t want to hire anyone else, you should start learning to design now. I mean, right now. Amazon shirts are divided into 3 kinds:

  • Images, picture, vector only
  • Text only
  • Artwork combine both text, images,

You can start with the easiest one (Text only) and gradually moving to other kinds, extending your creativity. The most used programs to design artwork are Photoshop CC, Illustrator or GIMP. If you are not familiar with those, you can always get on Google and look for instruction. Gradually, your skills will improve and you can become Design Master one day 🙂

Get yourself a Teespring account

To work with Teespring vs Merch by Amazon, you will need an account for it. Teespring charges no fee over registration, so you can easily sign up HERE.

teespring vs merch by amazon sign up

The registration takes no time, so after you finished, let’s hit it!

Upload your design to Teespring

You can create text on your T-shirt right on Teespring without any image editor, or you can easily upload your artwork to the platform. Teespring let you scale freely with the design and have a fixed frame to indicate the best position for artworks. Like this:

teespring vs merch by amazon design

Click Sell this and it will take you to further setting for the T-shirt. However, to have your Teespring items listed on Amazon, you will need to follow Teespring Boosted Network Guidelines and maintain high seller trusted score. After having reached all requirements, you can go to your account setting and tick “Feature my campaigns in Teespring’s Boosted Network” and hit Update info.

teespring vs merch by amazon feature

Note that when publishing items to Boosted Network, Teespring will auto optimize your listing on those platforms so you do not need to edit there. You still need to optimize the title, description and campaign URL for your shirt on Teespring. After your optimization, you can hit Launch. Teespring will take some time to list the item on Amazon or other Boosted Networks. The only way to check is you will need to search for the item on those platforms.


Now it’s time for calculation. Teespring gives you a specific guaranteed profit table, helping you to plan your campaigns and revenue. With Teespring vs Merch by Amazon, you can have a bigger opportunity to get sales, and also guaranteed profit.

teespring vs merch by amazon profit

You can run some marketing campaigns and strategies for your items. But the most important thing is always doing the research carefully about Merch by Amazon market before deciding your design. This is the most crucial key while doing Teespring vs Merch by Amazon

Last words on Teespring vs Merch by Amazon

Teespring linked with many other popular networks to give their users better chances to sell products. Not only wider market spread, but also wider product selections for shoppers. However, to join in Teespring Boosted Network, you will need to comply with Boosted Network Design Guidelines, maintain a high seller trust score, and ensure your listings are set to always available or continuous relaunch. The first thing you need to do is to understand fully about the Merch game, Merch by Amazon and Teespring. Then, a deep, detailed Merch by Amazon research is a must to get success. You can design everything yourself, or hire a design team to do the work for you. Remember, ideas and trends are what matters. Once done, you can upload your design to Teespring, optimize listing and start launching your campaign. To opt-in other Boosted Network listing, go to your Account setting and enable “Feature my campaigns in Teespring’s Boosted Network“. Good luck with sale! 😉

The post Teespring vs Merch by Amazon – the integration appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

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Merch by Amazon SEO Ultimate Guide Tue, 29 May 2018 10:36:30 +0000 Merch by Amazon can be tricky. You can earn a lot from it or you can stand in the crowd...

The post Merch by Amazon SEO Ultimate Guide appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

Merch by Amazon can be tricky. You can earn a lot from it or you can stand in the crowd and never make the best out of it. Have you ever wondered why you can’t make as many selling as others on Merch? No matter how much effort you put in it, you just can’t figure out what’s the key to success. Well, one of the reasons why this may happen is because you don’t know how to SEO your listing properly. A good selection of keywords can really turn you from zero to hero and bust your business. Sounds easy now, huh? Follow this article to know how to rock your business by simply using Merch by Amazon SEO! Hey, if it’s free, it’s worth a try!

First thing to clarify is: What exactly SEO is?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it defines all of the activities that generate organic traffic on a website.

Speaking of Merch by Amazon, what bursts the traffic to your page is the creation of easy – to – find contents. Especially, it’s about your merch t-shirt The easier is a shirt to be found, the more likely is that many people will be able to see it and possibly like it. If they like your shirt, it will probably soon pop up on the first search pages on Merch by Amazon! The aim of the site is to sell so it wants to advertise shirts that customers may like. That’s what we called Merch by Amazon SEO.

Now, here it comes the big fat question: what are the actual factors that influence Merch by Amazon SEO the most?

  • Title
  • Brand
  • Bullet Points
  • CTR
  • Conversion Rate
  • BSR
  • Reviews/ Price

All of the above-mentioned factors are influenced by Keywords and Keyword Research. Depending on the niches that you decide to hit on, keywords must be different. It is therefore important to ask yourself first:

  • Who are the members of my niches and how old are they on average?
  • What are they interested in?
  • What slang do they use?
  • Who are the competitors?

When you know those things, it is easier to influence the customer’s search results by matching perfectly the kind of text that she/he may insert.

How to do Merch by Amazon SEO nicely?

Title optimization

The list’s title is still the most valuable thing on the Amazon Product List. It will have the greatest impact on product performance so be careful because it could have a good impact on your sales as well as  very bad one if not optimized well.

The title should not be of more than 115 – 144 characters and the main informations should be within the first keywords. It should contain elements such as the brand name, the material of the shirt, the key features, informations about the packaging and additional target keywords for the Amazon BSR.

It should not be as well to popular or generic because you don’t want to compete against thousands and thousands of t-shirts! Always same story. You gotta play it smart. Ask yourself what would you search if you were a customer and you had in mind the exact shirt that your brand happens to sell.

Just to give you an example, try to picture yourself in this situation: you have just designed you cat t-shirt and you are ready to sell it on Merch. What title would you use?

Merch by Amazon SEO

Can you see all of the results for this title? Well it is pretty bad that you put such a big effort in designing that shirt just for hardly get any selling, right?

What about this?

Merch by Amazon SEO

Better but stil not fully satisfying, uhu? Be more specific and try again

Merch by Amazon SEO

We are getting there…

Merch by Amazon SEO

There it is. Now you only have to compete against 64 other t-shirts, which compared to the 149 ish that you got with the first title is a pretty good result!

Branding for your Merch t-shirt

The Brand should not be the same for every product and for any niche but it should actually change everytime that you create a t – shirt that belong to a different category than the previous ones. Since the brand is the first thing that people see when scrolling through the Amazon results, if you manage to use appealing and relevant keywords. I is more likely that they will click on your product. Merch by Amazon SEO isn’t so hard, as long as you know what to do.

Bullet points and listing optimization

You have 2 Bullet Points to use, so make the best of them. Here, that’s where you are trying to sell your shirts. Indeed, you already have the title, right? So you know already which are the most important and, hopefully, the most profitable. Well, now find their synonyms and develop them in a sentence format. Why don’t you try to persuade them instead of simply describing the shirt, which by the way they can already see in the picture on the left. Give them useful informations about the product that don’t show in the picture. This way they will know what they are shooting for and will not be disappointed once they get the shirt (positive review about your product!).

Remember, again, I’ll never get tired to repeat myself on this: it is always better to place for many keywords with discrete competition rather than using a few keywords but very competitive. It will be harder to raise from the crowd that way and even though your shirt doesn’t sell bad at all, it may end up in some pages far from the first ones due to the high competition.

There are many tools out there that will help you through this.

Merch research tools

One of them is SpyAMZ , which has become over the years the largest MBA Design Database by using very simple tools like keywords research & analysis, daily rank tracking, list tracking, trending alert and so on.

Spyamz Merch by Amazon SEO

Speaking of aspects of the Merch by Amazon SEO which are not directly related to keywords but yet influenced by them, let me talk about the CTR and the Conversion Rate.

Assuming that even if you are reading this article you may not necessarily know what these two are, let me give you a quick explanation:

CTR stands for Click Through Rate and when it comes to Merch by Amazon it identifies how many persons see your product listing from the search results page and click on it. Amazon gives much credit to this factor because if people click on your products, that means that they are attractive and potentially they sell well.

The Conversion Rate is the other side of the coin. Obviously, if people are not interested in your product, they won’t click on your listing. Thus, you will not get any conversions. Again, if you make sure that you choose your product’s keyword as carefully as possible, covering all of the questions that a customer might have, you should be a big step ahead of others.

To me, Reviews and Price could easily go together since they are very closely related. If a customer perceives the price as fair, she/he will be more likely to leave a positive review. Positive reviews lead to higher rank which leads to more sells. It is such a virtuous circle!

Sum up for Merch by Amazon SEO

Actually, it depends on keywords and on their optimization. From there all the other good things follow, like more views, more traffic, more sales, and so on. All of this lies on a thin balance. Keyword stuffing is totally bad and now you can get banned from Merch by Amazon.

Some of the main points that I have covered here had already been quoted in the previous article on How to find the best keywords and use them for Merch by Amazon, so if you are interested, you are more than welcome to take a look! Also, if you’re new to the Merch game, you can find wonderful tutorial and guide at The Ultimate Getting Started Guide for Merch By Amazon. Good luck with your merch!

The post Merch by Amazon SEO Ultimate Guide appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

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The Ultimate Getting Started Guide for Merch By Amazon Fri, 11 May 2018 07:38:34 +0000 The post The Ultimate Getting Started Guide for Merch By Amazon appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.


What is Merch by Amazon?

Merch by Amazon is a t-shirt printing on demand service helping you increase revenue through the sale of branded t-shirts designed by youself. With Merch by Amazon, you can create and upload your artwork of the T-shirt for free. Amazon will do the rest: selling, producing and shipping them the T-shirts to customers.

Why Merch by Amazon?

An amazing questions! Merch by Amazon is a simple way for you to get started selling branded merchandise from a product page on The great part of this platform is that there is no risk or out-of-pocket cost to you, no overhead and no hassle at all. The super-sized Amazon’s traffic every day will be your endless source of customers. And of course, there is NO advertising activity.

So, why you do not try Merch now?

Simply sign up for a Merch by Amazon account and set up for it, then upload the designs and click submit. Amazon takes care of the rest. You will take the commission based on the price of your T-shirts and the cost of the base shirts from Amazon.

Remember, with great benefits of Merch by Amazon, there will be many stiff competitors. You can create anything you like, but maybe no one has interest on it. Or you can take smarter decisions and sell t-shirts that you know people will buy. In the following words, take a look at the ultimate guide for Merch by Amazon in order not to waste your time in doing insignificant thing.

Let’s get started!



Merch by Amazon was a massive popular program when it first launched. Due to the extremely population, Amazon quickly tighten the registration terms to new applicants. The only way to join Merch by Amazon is signing up to a waiting list and requesting for an invitation. The waiting time can be different between users, normally from 3 weeks up to 3 months (or even maybe your request will be rejected).

The best thing you can do is heading to here and request an invitation. While waiting fot the account, following the steps below to gain as much knowledge as you can. Then you will be ready to start your business by the time your account has approval.

Once your account goes live, you will be able to login and fill up your information. Then, you will see something similar to this:

This is your Dashboard where you can upload designs, promote your products, analyse sales…

But before getting to know the Dashboard, you need some things to get started with Merch by Amazon:

  • Alive Merch by Amazon account
  • Photo Editor/Design Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrated
  • Your creativity, your ideas

Merch Tiers

All Merch accounts will have a tier depending on the sales of each account. Here’s Merch Tier list:

  • Tier10: 10 designs
  • Tier25: 25 designs
  • Tier100: 100 designs
  • Tier500: 500 designs
  • Pro: By Invitation Only

At starting point, you will be at Tier 1 corresponding to 25 designs. That means you are ability to upload 25 designs. After selling 25 t-shirts of any design, your account will be upgraded to next tier.

It is ensured that you don’t want to be stuck at the first tier and sell no t-shirt. Therefore, the first 25 designs seem to be critical to your success. Carefully research for these 25 shirts will help you jump to the next tier. After first tier, you will have more ideas and of course you will be able to create better designs for your customers.


Before creating and uploading designs, you first need a plan for your Merch account. You should know what exactly t-shirts you are selling. Asking these questions will help you to have good ideas:

  • Who are your target customers?
  • What will be illustrated in your t-shirt? (images, quotes or both)
  • What shirts are the hottest sellers?
  • How do you come up with design ideas?
  • Is there any similar design to your idea? How is it selling?
  • How will you create your design?

By answering these questions, you will be clearly know what you need to do and what ideas you will follow for your t-shirts. Like mentioned above, you could create whatever you like, but there is no guarantee for them to have sales. Without any advertisement, how can you get your customers? So, let’s make a completed plan starting with doing market research.


Before starting doing any research, you need to know which t-shirt is from Merch or not. Once you recognize a Merch t-shirt, you can check the best selling rank to see if it going well on Amazon.

There are few tips for finding Merch t-shirts. All Merch listing will have mutual things: same size chart, white tag and a same sentence in description.

  • Size chart: All t-shirts of Merch has the same size charts which are the basic chart of Amazon
  • Visible white tag: A t-shirts of Merch will have a white tag like this:
  • Same sentence in description: All Merch t-shirts should have a same sentence in description: Lightweight, Classic fit, Double-needle sleeve and bottom hem. That will help you in searching Merch t-shirts by including this sentence with the searching keywords.

 Note: any listing with a model wearing a t-shirt will not be from Merch.



After finding out which one is from Merch, you need to know how they are selling by checking the Best Seller Rank of the shirt.

The rank will be displayed on the listing, in product description. If using Amazon mobile app, this part is on “Features and Details” section.

The Amazon Best Sellers Rank will show how well the t-shirt is selling. The lower this number, the more sales it gets. If a listing does not have rank, that means that 0 t-shirt have been sold. Anything ranked 50,000 or lower is selling few items every day.

The purpose to do this is using the designs for inspiration, not to copy and paste to your own one. Finding a t-shirt with low rank will help you to know what customers are interested in. You could decide to follow that idea and create a similar design but using different vectors, different fonts. Or you can make a different one that makes you believe your customers will purchase for it.


What will happen if you follow a good ranked t-shirt which is on top 100,000 BSR? You should enter the keyword and search in Amazon, you will see a list of hundreds competitors who have similar designs. Would this be a good idea?

In most cases, the answer is NO.

That shirt could have low BSR rank but it doesn’t mean if going for same idea, your product would be competitive and optimal. And of course, you still need to face with other sellers to get a sale. The goal is to come up with at least 25 designs, around ranked 100,000-150,000 to use as inspiration.

Then, when you have over 25 designs, it’s time to create your shirts and upload to your Merch account.

But, it takes you long time to catch an idea that you want to follow. So you can use Merch tool such as SpyAMZ to minimize the time on research. With the giant quantity of data (7 million t-shirts and still increasing), SpyAMZ is the most useful tool for Merch sells and merchants on catching the hottest trends and doing their market research.


If you already have your idea and design, it’s time for you to create your artwork and upload to your account. Amazon provides templates for different designing softwares:

  • Adobe Photoshop Template
  • GIMP Template
  • Adobe Illustrator Template

You can easily download them from the Dashboard.

It will be more convenient for you. You just need to replace the sample image by your one. Add anything you want (images, vectors, quotes) and make sure to use high quality versions. Remember to save your artwork as PNG file. Besides, you can also save PSD file (if using Photoshop) to edit your design anytime you want or re-use the layouts or elements.

If you want your designs look more professional or you have trouble in using designing software, you also purchase for pre-made designs of other designers. And then direct to Create tab on your Merch account to upload your t-shirts.

Merch by Amazon Designs Resources:

In order to get benefits from your research and new ideas, you need to make your idea become greatest designs. There are some design resources that can help you on making your artwork:

Free Vectors:

Vector files are images that can be scaled to any resolutions without losing any quality. They will help you to enhance your design. There are some websites that can provide you nice vectors:

Note: Remember to read the Creative Commons License for the image you are likely to use.

Free Fonts:

For the quote ideas, the fonts used are also very important. They need to be good-looked, well-designed and can demonstrate the meaning of your quotes. You can find a huge list of free fonts (typefaces) that you can install and use.

Again, make sure you check the licensing rights/copyrights before freely using these fonts on your designs.

Finally, if you already had your designs, then direct to Create tab on your Merch account Dashboard to upload your t-shirts.

Remember to fill all the information of your t-shirts: T-shirt type, colours, price and add product details. You need to make sure all your descriptions are optimised to reach your customers through organic search. Then, when you submit your product, congratulations, you are now having your t-shirt completed on Amazon. After about 1-2 hours, it should go live and become searchable. Your mission now is just sitting and waiting for your first sales.


There you go everyone! With the full and complete ultimate guild to start with Merch by Amazon, you know what to do now to get passive revenue stream with Merch. Remember that Amazon is a giant site with millions of traffic everyday, the best part is you do not need to do any advertising to promote your products. The more designs you upload, the more money you can get. Always do research to ensure your artworks are able to make money.

Good luck with your Merch game!

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If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email:

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How to do Merch by Amazon keyword research Fri, 11 May 2018 04:59:26 +0000 The post How to do Merch by Amazon keyword research appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.


Welcome back to SpyAMZ, today I will guide you guys with the Merch by Amazon Keyword Research. As you all know, Keyword is one of the most important factors while Merch-ing. Not only based on the latest trends or your most creative ideas, but also it needs to stick with other common easy-found words that could possibly bring your items on top. Besides, it also has to avoid “Trademark” black holes that pulverize all your works.

For a small example, you’re the brightest sun in the universe, but there’s no one around to witness your light, then you’re useless. That’s why keywords have to stick together

How could I find the most suitable keywords?

Imagine you are in the middle of nowhere and don’t know where to start. Your only thought is about making money with Merch by Amazon, so how do you do it? You might want to grab a bunch of keywords that useful and follow them up to get more and more relevances of course.

First, you will need an idea. There are a lot of ideas out there waiting for you to catch, but you’re in the middle of nowhere so surely you don’t know what to catch 🙂 keep yelling “WHERE is the KEYWORD?” won’t help so you must need a guide, or you will need to find the way yourself.

merch by amazon keyword research

Luckily for you I will help you on doing Merch by Amazon keyword research. Thank God the yell has stopped.

1. SpyAMZ - our savior

Too Long – Didn’t Read:

  • Access and login.
  • Click Keywords tab to find the hottest keywords
  • Find the best rank items and identify their keywords
  • Click on Trending items to look at the fastest rising items

In the introduction video I’ve given you the most basic overview over SpyAMZ, including Keyword Analytics feature. This feature collects all the most famous and most popular words that appear on It contains 3-word, 2-word and 1-word ones, along with the counts respectively. You don’t have to brainstorm or dig or find or run around to come up with an idea. SpyAMZ can list them all.

Ideas come from here, trends reveal here. You can find every idea and trend, suiting your niches. Also, you do not have to do anything, just one click and you’ll have it.

Also, you can find the keywords via the best ranking items within recent 15-30 days. Access the Product tab, choose the Best ranking items with time criteria Last Week.

You can see May 4th is coming, which is “Star Wars day”. There’s a lot of items about “May the Fourth be with you”. This is the hottest trend now, catch it now! The keyword is “May the Fourth”! But beware, Trademarks and Copyrights can strike!

There’s another way to do Merch by Amazon keyword research with SpyAMZ, is the Trends tab. This collects all the most potential, fastest rising items and trending items currently on Amazon:

You can easily see, again is Unicorn, Birthday, Star Wars, there also many other keywords can help you either. With all these resources, you can have an overall sight of Amazon t-shirt market at the moment and recognize the trends easily. It’s time to strike and catch the chance while you can. The most successful keywords will bring you the most money $$$ *ting*.

2. Google Keyword Planner - For those who already had direction

Too Long – Didn’t Read:

Compared to SpyAMZ, this is a little bit harder, as it needs a target, a premade keyword to base on and the tool will give you relevant items, suggestions and other keywords. But however, this way is free for all and anyone can do it easily. It also gives you details for your budgets, serving your Adwords campaigns.

First of all you might want to go to Google Keyword Planner here and sign in. It will take you to this interfere:

Enter your keyword, landing page and your product categories then. I will go for Death Metal, Amazon search page and Clothing category ’cause I love Metal 😀 Metalhead for life!

With this, you can figure out many useful indicators like Average Monthly Search, Suggested bid for your plans, Organic Average and many other. Hover on the Average Monthly Search will bring you a detailed chart. Also, Keyword Planner can give you some other relevant keywords you might want to use within your design and description to boost up the SEO.

Keep in mind that the suggested keywords vary depends on your landing page, so you can try multiple landing pages to get the most effective results.

Moreover, Keyword Planner can provide suggestions for Ad Group Ideas:

This will help you get the most overall direction and advice on your plans and ad groups. Save you a bunch of time eh?

Besides, you can save all the suggested keywords by Downloading them or Adding them into plans.

That’s an easy way to do Merch by Amazon keyword research that might be useful for your ideas, niches and trends. However there are some other notable amazing ways, let’s move on to the next one.

3. Moz bar + WordCounter: indicate the sub-keywords

Too Long – Didn’t Read:

  • Install MozBar Chrome Extension
  • Search for your keyword on, within clothing category
  • Activate MozBar, click “Page Analytic”
  • Scroll for H2 tags, copy them all
  • Go to and paste in
  • Look for Keyword Density.

This also need a specific direction on your idea, so that you can have an initial search to extract the information from it. Thanks Pow Innovations Marketing for this useful guide.

But first, I will need you to install a plugin called MozBar here. It’s free and requires you to sign in.

Let’s try again with Death Metal on Amazon search in Clothing categories:

Activate the Moz bar and click on the “Page Analysis” button here. Scroll down for the H2 tags, copy them all to your clipboard.

Go to and paste in all of your copied stuff. It will give you specific details on many aspects, including Keyword Density. This is the most important thing. You can see Death Metal is not even so scary, but full of “Unicorns” and “Rainbows”, so cuteeeeee! It’s even “funny” too.

What does this mean? This means, there might be a lot of “sub-keywords” that is not relevant to your ideas, design themes, topics or trends, but in fact, they are there, right there next to your main keywords.

And another fact, they together are standing on THE 1ST PAGE of the Search result. That’s where you aim for, so what you need is to mix all those sub-keywords into your items to get the best result standing for SEO. This way helps expand your relevant keyword pool and helps you achieve higher reach to many people. It is incredibly brilliant way to do Merch by Amazon keyword research.

merch by amazon keyword research


Too Long – Didn’t Read:

This way is pretty much the same as 2 above ways, which needs a base idea and keyword. Simply go to for Amazon and input your keyword. Let’s go, “Death Metal”! \m/

Sadly locked some premium features as indicators, densities, cost-per-click, and competitive rate. But nonetheless, it gives you some relevant keywords and sub-keywords. Better than nothing.

Trademark x Copyright avoidance

This is a very hard section, because the considerations of Violated and Non-Violated is likely unclear, so I recommend you guys act with cautions while designing. With your found keywords, you have to filter the “Clean” ones only, which has no trademarks/copyrights relevance, avoiding ban or suspension. However, as the edge of consideration is not so clear, so trademark checking is for CONSULTING only. The last call is still up to you.

To do this, please access SpyAMZ, go to Trademark tab:

I’ve made some research with the keywords in our keyword pool, seems like everything is fine except for the word “Metal” and “Rock Band”. However, we are using the topic of Death Metal, a strong heavy music genre, not Metal alone or the metallic Metal, so the Trademark hammer is not likely to strike on us.

In fact, there are lots of “Death Metal” shirts still alive for a very long time, so I think “Death Metal” is clean. But with “Rock Band” I will not use this keyword, because there’s a game sequel named Rock Band for XBox from Microsoft, so I’d better remove this. As mentioned above, this is for consulting only, so my last call is still going with “Death Metal”.

If you click on the red “Metal” word, it will give you the link to the source of that trademarks:

It’s not that every keyword works, remember to remove the keywords you suspicious with Trademark and happy Merching either 😉

About Copyrights, there’s no official source to list all the available copyrights at the moment, you will have to base on your real-life knowledge and social life experience to abandon the “Copyright corrupted” ones. The last call’s yours.

I now have a bunch of keywords and relevances and sub-keywords, what to do next?

Everyone knows the more keywords and density you put in your items, the better the result gets. So, I want to make something clear for you first. We will have 3 editable text fields for each Amazon items:

  • Item name;
  • Item brand;
  • 2 bullet points within item description.

Okay, after doing Merch by Amazon keyword research, I want you to optimize the keyword pool, based on the search volumes, densities and relevance to the design. As you can see on the “Death Metal” search page there are a lot of unicorn x rainbow design, so definitely those 2 will stay with you. Remove unused keywords for the best optimization.

The best keywords to keep might be the ones you collected within SpyAMZ Keyword Analytics. Those are the most successful keywords, so you also might want to use it either. United We Stand, the more successful keywords, the better. At this moment, keywords like: “birthday, men, women, Christmas, gift, fun, holiday, etc” have biggest densities, try adding them in.

My product, I will try to add popular keywords in as many as possible. I even put them in my brand (don’t forget to mention your Brand name there), product name and the 2 bullet points. I used Rainbow, Unicorn, Death Metal, Rock, Sparkling, Heavy, Love, Gift, Men, Women, Birthday, Christmas and Holiday.

To be honest, I love this shirt ❤❤❤ 

Final words on How to do Merch by Amazon keyword research

I’m not truly an expert for keyword researching but with all of my knowledge, I wish this could assist you guys one or two. My trust always stays with SpyAMZ with many many premium awesome features, I hope you would find yours with it. Good luck with your items and get countless sales with ASO – Amazon Search Optimization, I hope this guide would help you rise higher with Merch by Amazon. You can start your Merch by Amazon keyword research now, have fun Merching 😉


Author: Wanderlust Winter

Memelord and Creative Master of ThimPress x SpyAMZ. A Gamer, Collector indeed, love heavy music and studying Chinese

The post How to do Merch by Amazon keyword research appeared first on Merch by Amazon - SpyAMZ.

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